20 Bible Verses To Pray Before Traveling

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Today we will be dealing with 20 Bible verses to pray before traveling. There is no small trip. The journey from the bedroom to the bathroom is big enough for the enemy to strike. We don’t need to travel a thousand kilometers before we fear an accident. It happens even in the house. When we want to embark on any trip, it is wise that as believers we commit the trip into the hands of the Lord through prayers.


It would be recalled that the scripture warned against laxity in prayer. The scripture told all to pray all the time because every day is filled with evil. As you are about to embark on that journey, commit the trip into the hands of the Lord. Several people stepped out in one piece but returned home in pieces.


There are so many people who left their house alive but were brought back home dead. That’s why we must endeavor to commit every trip to the hands of the Lord. As we pray to God before going on a trip, using the verses from the scripture gives more power to our prayers.


When we use the word of God in prayers, it gives us an advantage. The scripture said even if the heavens and earth pass over none of God’s word will return to Him void unless it has fulfilled the purpose for which it was sent. We have curated a list of Bible verses to pray before traveling.


1. Psalm 91:9-12

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.


2. Psalm 32:7-8

For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.


3. Joshua 1:5

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.


4. Psalm 23:3-4

He gives me new strength. He leads me on paths that are right for the good of his name. Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your shepherd’s staff comfort me.


5. Isaiah 43:4-5

Since you are precious and special in my sight, and I love you, I will hand over people in place of you, nations in place of your life. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. From the east I will bring your descendants; from the west I will gather you.


6. Proverbs 2:8-9

For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.


7. Psalm 91:4-5

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and armor. You do not need to fear terrors of the night, arrows that fly during the day.


8. Psalm 121:7-8

The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.


9. Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is fair, whatever is pure, whatever is acceptable, whatever is commendable, if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—keep thinking about these things.


10. Psalm 37:23-29

A person’s steps are directed by the Lord, and the Lord delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be thrown down headfirst because the Lord holds on to his hand. I have been young, and now I am old, but I have never seen a righteous person abandoned or his descendants begging for food. He is always generous and lends freely. His descendants are a blessing. Avoid evil, do good, and live forever. The Lord loves justice, and he will not abandon his godly ones. They will be kept safe forever, but the descendants of wicked people will be cut off. Righteous people will inherit the land and live there permanently.


11. Numbers 10:33

And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days’ journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days’ journey, to search out a resting place for them.


12.  2 Corinthians 8:16-19

But thanks be to God, who placed in the heart of Titus the same dedication to you that I have. He welcomed my request and eagerly went to visit you by his own free will. With him we have sent the brother who is praised in all the churches for spreading the gospel. More than that, he has also been selected by the churches to travel with us while we are administering this work of kindness for the glory of the Lord and as evidence of our eagerness to help.


13. Jonah 3:4

And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.


14. Proverbs 16:9

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.


15. Proverbs 20:24

The steps of a person are ordained by the Lord— so how can anyone understand his own way?


16. Jeremiah 10:23

LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.


17. Philippians 4:7 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


18. Isaiah 26:3-4

You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you. So, trust the Lord always, because he is our Rock forever.


19. Psalm 139:9-10

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.


20. Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.



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